Andy Moerlein
silver painted saplings, hand made boulders
UPWELLING is a necessary inversion of subsurface water: deep beneath erupts.
Glacial erratics were wondered at and worshipped by early man. The impossible placement of abused rounded scarred stone in a mature forest, on a lake shore, or mighty alone in a meadow provoked sensations of revelation.
Love can cause similar upheaval. Inert mass can become buoyant, effervescent, preposterous.
on Saturday September 4th, 4pm - 7pm, BYO Picnic
Featured artists this year: Donna Dodson and Dimitri Gerakaris
304 Prosper Road, Woodstock, VT.
304 Prosper Road, Woodstock, VT.
Great post, much appreciate the time you took to write this.